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Downloadable Games for Your Computer

"An 'imaginative, stimulating' business simulation."

-- Front page article in Investors Business Daily

Get "Wall Street Raider" and "Speculator," the exciting financial stock market games from author Michael Jenkins. There's nothing like these downloadable games anywhere else. These realistic computer games bring the gritty, day-to-day world of Wall Street to your computer. Several avid players of Wall Street Raider have created very detailed YouTube videos, showing how they play the game and explaining many of the features and their strategies. Two of the better videos are listed immediately below. (The videos were not created by the publisher.) A new video was released on how to play Wall Street Raider Version 9.0, in 2021. (A newer version of the game, v. 9.75, was released in 2023.)

Play the most realistic
Wall Street
simulation games
available today.
WSR $24.95 Version WSR $29.95 Version WSR $11.95 Manual Speculator $21.95

About Us

"Wall Street Raider" (For Windows) is one of the oldest games on the Internet, published as a DOS version well before the World Wide Web, in 1986, and continually updated and improved before and since it moved to Windows in 2001. The current version (9.75), a major upgrade, was released in January, 2023. It is a sophisticated corporate finance game where you play as a billionaire, emulating a Warren Buffett or Carl Icahn.  Our other financial game, "Speculator" (latest release in August, 2023) is a more recent spin-off, using the same economic/stock market engine, but played as a small investor with only $100,000 to invest and speculate in stocks, bonds, ETFs, options, and commodity and stock index futures, while seeking to build a retirement fund in 30 years. "Wall Street Raider" and "Speculator" continue to be widely played and enjoyed, with a global following in  120 countries and territories, from Antarctica to Paraguay to Zimbabwe. Created by Ronin Software of Ivins, Utah, these downloadable games are fun and educational. The "software only" version of Wall Street Raider sells for $24.95 U.S., while a "Full Package" version that includes a very extensive Strategy Manual, about 300 pages if printed out from the HTML file, is priced slightly higher, at $29.95. Or purchase the Manual only, for $11.95.

Game inventor Michael D Jenkins, J.D., CPA (retired), is a computer programmer, Harvard Law grad, retired tax attorney and "Big 4" CPA, former economic consultant, and a million-selling author of business books.  Jenkins, who grew up as an avid fan of the classic real estate game, Monopoly,  began developing a corporate board game while he was in law school in 1967,  which eventually morphed into a CP/M version of Wall Street Raider on his first personal computer, a Kaypro, in 1984, and soon was published as an MS-DOS version by his book publisher PSI Research in 1986.  He says the countless hours he spent figuring out all the details of the mechanics of complex corporate transactions and how to code them for every situation gave him a huge edge in his years of practice as an attorney and CPA, when structuring billion dollar mergers and spin-offs in the real world.  He has put everything he learned over the years into "Wall Street Raider" and "Speculator," making them as realistic as possible, thinking the games would simply provide good entertainment, but has been astonished and gratified by the reports from many long-time players who have grown up playing WSR and translated what they learned into successful careers as stock and option traders, hedge fund managers, and investment analysts, or just had success in their personal investments. (See link to user testimonials below.)

Download your games today.  Download  the free trial version of Wall Street Raider or Speculator and begin playing and learning now!

In addition to the exceptional attention to detail and sophistication of his financial games, Jenkins has created and publishes a similarly extraordinary business application, the Small Business Advisor. He is also the author of a series of tax and legal guidebooks (Kindle e-books) for small businesses, for each of 34 states, such as Starting and Operating a Business in New York.

User Testimonials